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Home page Teachers Wojciech Cackowski

Wojciech Cackowski

Wojtek has been fascinated with movement, sports and bodywork all his life. He finished his degree in sport education and physiotherapy and he is also a board-certified ATSI (formerly KMI) structural integration practitioner. He has been practicing manual and yoga therapy last ten years, combining it also with myofascial therapy in the water. Happy father of two children, he lives and practices in Poland in a medical Spa where he has build a team of therapist who are using ATSI and zoga combined with physiotherapy. He has been fascinated with fascial anatomy exploring spatial tissue relationships on cadavers, using ultrasound and analysing movement what has been a base of developing ZOGA MOVEMENT PROJECT. Combination of Yoga asanas, Structural Integratin and precise manual interventions have lead to a method that influances spatial organisation of human body architecture. Apart from ZOGA and Anatomy Trains Structural Integration programs Wojtek teaches also Scarwork of Sharon Wheeler some clinical aplications of Structural Integration for Neurological Children, in Scoliosis or structural Aproaches for foot specialists. He is involved in many health projects like Worldwide Exercise is Medicine or Walk for Health regular speaker on physiotherapy, manual medicine and movement conferences in Poland and Europe. He is in board of Directors in Polish Manual Medicine Association that is setting a standards and direction for development in manual medicine in Poland. Wojtek is involved in reaserch projects focused on fascial layer movements and clinical influance of structural integration and measurments of structural changes created by manual and movement interventions. His biggest passion is bodywork and holistic approaches to the treatment of musculoskeletal disorders. He brings this passion combined with his interest in anatomy and manual therapy technique to the workshops he teaches..
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