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Current courses

Zoga Face Integration – Warszawa 27-29.04.2020

27.04.2020 - 29.04.2020

Michałowice ul. Szkolna 12


Zoga Face Integration to manualne estetyczne modelowanie twarzy i ciała przy pomocy technik manipulacji mięśni, które oddziałują na tkanki klienta w celu normalizacji napięcia mięśniowo-powięziowego obszaru dekoltu, czepca i mięśni mimicznych. Poprawia przepływ limfy i krążenia tkankowego a finalnie odmładza i liftinguje twarz klienta.

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Zoga Face Integration Part II Sopot

15.06.2020 - 17.06.2020

Sopot ul. Kopernika 17


Zoga Face Integretion jest częścią nurtu Zoga Movement skupiającego się na przywracaniu całemu ciału równowagi napięciowej i swobody relacji ślizgowych w ciele. Zapewnia to możliwość statycznej i dynamicznej równowagi w grawitacji zwiększając wydajność ciała jako całości.

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Zoga Movement Introductory Workshop – Warsaw, Poland

26.10.2019 - 28.10.2019



Zoga is a stretching and strengthening practice based on yoga asanas using Anatomy Trains Structural Integration principles. Zoga is specifically designed to increase the freedom of glide between myofascial layers of the body.

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Zoga Face Integration – Warszawa

01.11.2019 - 03.11.2019



Zoga is a stretching and strengthening practice based on yoga asanas using Anatomy Trains Structural Integration principles. Zoga is specifically designed to increase the freedom of glide between myofascial layers of the body.

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Past courses

Zoga Movement Introductory Workshop – Toruń, Poland – SOLD OUT

07.12.2018 - 09.12.2018



Zoga is a stretching and strengthening practice based on yoga asanas using Anatomy Trains Structural Integration principles. Zoga is specifically designed to increase the freedom of glide between myofascial layers of the body.

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Zoga Movement Introductory Workshop – Taipei, Taiwan

02.03.2019 - 04.03.2019


Zoga is a stretching and strengthening practice based on yoga asanas using Anatomy Trains Structural Integration principles. Zoga is specifically designed to increase the freedom of glide between myofascial layers of the body.

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Zoga Movement Introductory Workshop – Poznań, Poland

07.06.2019 - 09.06.2019


Zoga is a stretching and strengthening practice based on yoga asanas using Anatomy Trains Structural Integration principles. Zoga is specifically designed to increase the freedom of glide between myofascial layers of the body.

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Zoga Movement Introductory Workshop – Perth

25.02.2019 - 27.02.2019


Zoga is a stretching and strengthening practice based on yoga asanas using Anatomy Trains Structural Integration principles. Zoga is specifically designed to increase the freedom of glide between myofascial layers of the body.

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Zoga Movement Introductory Workshop – Kraków, Poland

24.05.2019 - 26.05.2019


Zoga is a stretching and strengthening practice based on yoga asanas using Anatomy Trains Structural Integration principles. Zoga is specifically designed to increase the freedom of glide between myofascial layers of the body.

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Zoga Movement Introductory Workshop – Gdańsk, Poland

26.04.2019 - 28.04.2019


Zoga is a stretching and strengthening practice based on yoga asanas using Anatomy Trains Structural Integration principles. Zoga is specifically designed to increase the freedom of glide between myofascial layers of the body.

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